DA2020.11 - D Owens - Withdrawn
DA Number: DA2020.11
Applicant: Diane Owens
Description: Change of use to two tourist units to staff accommodation and restaurant to tourist accommodation
Change of use Units 5 & 6 at Lorhiti Apartments from tourist accommodation to staff accommodation on Part 2 (Lot2). No structural change to building (units).
Lot 1 - change of use commercial restaurant to tourist accommodation. Transfer 4 tourist licences from Lot 2 to Lot 1.
Development Location: Lot 1 and 2, DP 1201010
Exhibition Period: 14 August to 28 August 2020
Status: Withdrawn
Please see below plans of the proposed development. The full application can be viewed at the Board's administration office throughout the exhibition period.
Plans (PDF)(4.51 MB)