Recognising our natural and cultural heritage
The heritage of Lord Howe Island is rich and diverse. It includes those places of natural and scientific value for which the island has World Heritage status, but it also encompasses many places of cultural value to the local community of the island and to the people of NSW generally.
The Lord Howe Island Board recognises the value of the natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations and has introduced a range of appropriate heritage conservation and management measures.
The natural values of Lord Howe Island are well protected under the World Heritage, National Heritage and State Heritage listings and managed accordingly.

Lord Howe Island Community Based Heritage Study
In May 2011, the Lord Howe Island Board completed the final draft of the Lord Howe Island Community Based Heritage Study:
The study was prepared with financial assistance from the NSW Government to provide the Board and the community of Lord Howe Island with:
- a thematic history of the island that is consistent with those prepared for other local government areas in the State;
- a list of heritage items that have been identified and assessed through a consultative process with the island community, for possible inclusion on the heritage schedule to the Lord Howe Island Local Environmental Plan 2010, including statements of significance and heritage database forms;
- conservation strategies for the Board to employ in managing the environmental heritage of Lord Howe Island;
- an annotated bibliography of references to the cultural heritage of Lord Howe Island.

Ned's Beach Cemetery

Boundary engraving near Old Settlement