A NSW Government website

Lord Howe Island Critical Infrastructure Program

Stay updated with the latest project news and information

The future of Lord Howe Island is bright, but our globally recognised and beautiful Island requires ongoing consideration and care.

Some of the most critical considerations to ensure a sustainable future include:

  • Servicing the Island with up to date marine infrastructure
  • Supporting the Island’s natural ecosystems and environment with appropriate biosecurity systems
  • Sustainably managing and disposing of waste generated on the Island.

A Critical Infrastructure Program has been established by NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service and the Lord Howe Island Board to address each of these important and related issues, in a holistic way. 

The Program will provide the Lord Howe Island Board with resources to implement improvements and upgrades to essential infrastructure, to secure the Island’s future. 

The Program will include infrastructure projects that are critical to our everyday life and to support the Island’s long-term future as a sustainable tourism destination.


What will the Critical Infrastructure Program involve?

The Program will involve preparation of a master plan that builds on key strategies, including the Marine Strategy and Waste Management Strategy, and that also incorporates further enabling infrastructure.

It will also involve:

  • Establishing a suitable marine freight service to Lord Howe Island, to replace the existing freight transport vessel which is nearing the end of its service life
  • Design and delivery of biosecurity measures to support the long-term security of the Marine Strategy, plus related capital works on Lord Howe Island and to the primary port that services the Island
  • Delivery of a fully functioning Waste Management Facility on Lord Howe Island to support both day-to-day operations and the Island’s tourism-led economy

Get involved and have your say

The Critical Infrastructure Program will be developed by the Lord Howe Island Board with NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, and their consultant team, over the coming months. 

There will be a range of opportunities for members of the community and key stakeholders to provide input to development of the Program. We would like to hear from you as part of the engagement process. 

Recent consultations 

Thank you to those who participated in the consultation sessions held in May. We received valuable feedback to help inform the next steps of the Critical Infrastructure Program and design concepts. 

A summary of ‘what we heard’ from the recent consultations will be available on this webpage at the end of June/ early July 2024. 

You can access the information displayed as part of the sessions here:

Community Consultation Group

Are you interested in providing further input to the Program? If so, we’re keen to hear from you. 

Please register your interest here in joining the Community Consultation Group. Registrations will close by 6pm on Friday 7 June. 

Community survey

Help shape a sustainable future for the Island, incorporating important critical infrastructure. Complete the 5-minute survey here. The survey will close by 6pm on Friday 7 June. 

If you have completed a printed version of the survey, please return the completed survey to the Lord Howe Island Board office by Friday 7 June. 

Email us

You can also provide further comments by emailing the project team at [email protected].


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Critical Infrastructure Program? 

The Program is being developed and delivered by the Lord Howe Island Board (the Board) and National Parks and Wildlife Service (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) to address some of the most critical considerations to ensure a sustainable future for the Lord Howe Island community and its visitors. This includes:

  • Servicing the Island with up marine infrastructure that’s fit for the future.
  • Supporting the Island’s natural ecosystems and environment with appropriate biosecurity systems.
  • Sustainably managing, re-using and disposing of waste generated on the Island.

The 2023/24 NSW budget included significant funding for:

  • Replacement of the waste management facility on Lord Howe Island

  • Funding to secure a long-term marine freight service for the Island. 

This funding means that plans can be progressed for a replacement vessel and marine infrastructure, to ensure the community has a reliable marine freight service tailored to the needs of Lord Howe. Enhanced biosecurity measures will also be a feature of the new arrangements, to protect the Island and its economy and to minimise the risk of disruption to freight services. 

Feedback from the community is being sought on plans for the upgraded waste management facility and design of marine infrastructure.

Critical Infrastructure Program

2. Why do we need the Critical Infrastructure Program?

The Critical Infrastructure Program improvements and upgrades are providing essential infrastructure, to secure the Island’s future. The Program will include infrastructure projects that are critical to everyday life for Islanders, as well as to support its long-term future as a sustainable tourism destination.

Lord Howe Island is an internationally renowned tourist destination, notably for its World Heritage status and pristine environment and ecology. This investment ensures the needs of the community and the pristine environments are set up for success into the future. 

The Board is committed to the Critical Infrastructure Program, the ongoing care, control, and management of the affairs and trade of the Island and the care and welfare of residents. Many businesses and residents of Lord Howe Island rely on the visitor economy. The Critical Infrastructure Program will support a resilient island community and visitor economy into the future.  

3. What is the proposed timeline for planning and delivery of the Critical Infrastructure Program? 

Investigations to firm up the program details along with preliminary works have commenced and while some details need to be confirmed, the majority of works will be implemented over the next three years. 

The next steps for 2024 will involve further detailed site investigations and studies. We will notify the community ahead of any investigations scheduled to be undertaken over the coming months. Main construction works are not planned to commence until mid 2025 and will be ongoing for up to 12 months. 

4. What is the dollar value of the Program? 

The NSW Government has made a significant investment in the Critical Infrastructure Project for Lord Howe Island. The Program is funded to sustain a marine service and waste management facility for the Island into the future. 

Funding details are confidential at this important stage to ensure a competitive market-based process. For this reason, the Program figures will not be publicly released. Similarly, the budget for the replacement vessel is confidential and will not be made public in advance of a competitive tender process for the vessel.

5. Why does the existing waste management facility need to be replaced?

The existing waste management facility requires urgent upgrades to be compliant with waste management standards and support ongoing needs of the Island. The Board will continue to liaise with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the community to ensure that the new waste management facility meets best practice standards and is fit for purpose.

6. How will environmental and marine impacts be managed through the Program, particularly during construction of the new vessel ramp, waste management facility, and related access roads/upgrades?

The Project team is working closely with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to establish the planning pathway for the delivery of the Critical Infrastructure Project. This process will involve determining and obtaining all relevant planning and environmental approvals, before construction can begin in mid-2025. Projects under the Critical Infrastructure Program will be designed and delivered with a view to minimise potential impacts to the natural environment including marine life.

7. What are the potential impacts for the community and businesses during the Program’s construction phase? 

A staged approach will be taken to minimise impacts to the community and businesses. Redevelopment of the waste management facility and development of new marine infrastructure are subject to developing a full understanding of issues and opportunities, undertaking site investigations and confirming constraints, opportunities and community feedback. Community consultation and environmental are important considerations to inform the appropriate approach to delivering the Island’s critical infrastructure. 

There may be a small increase in traffic periodically due to the importation and transport of building and construction materials. However, the Board will make every effort to minimise disruptions and to notify the community in advance where possible. Environmental approvals will be sought around the new waste management facility and marine facilities, to ensure that this infrastructure does not present a threat to the Island’s natural environment or Marine Park.

8. Will there be local employment opportunities resulting from the Program?  

Yes. Employment opportunities associated with operation and maintenance of the Island’s critical infrastructure will be determined and promoted through liaison with the community and businesses, in the first instance. Local workforce participation is welcomed where the skills and capabilities align with the program.  

9. Will there be costs associated with the Program for the community?

No. The NSW Government has provided significant funding to develop and deliver this Program, with a view to securing a sustainable future for Lord Howe Island. 

10. Who can bid for the operation and maintenance of a new vessel?
The tender for the operation and maintenance of the new marine vessel and service will involve an open market process. The procurement process will be advertised via the NSW eTendering website, subject to NSW Government approvals.  

11. How can I find out more and have my say on the Critical Infrastructure Program, related master plan and projects?

We’re keen to hear from you and other members of the community. There will be a range of opportunities to provide input to the Program’s development as we commence the planning phase, with early engagement starting in May-June (2024), and more opportunities to get involved later this year.

Community survey: Thank you to all those who provided feedback via the online community survey.

Community information sessions: Thank you to all those who joined the conversation to share their feedback as part of these sessions: 

  • 6pm Thursday 23 May

  • 10am Friday 24 May.

Both sessions were held at the Lord Howe Island Community Hall.

Email us: Please provide any further comments by emailing the project team at [email protected]

To find out more, please visit Critical Infrastructure Program | Lord Howe Island Board (nsw.gov.au) or contact [email protected].

12. How can I stay in touch with the project team during the first phase of engagement and beyond that, as the Program progresses? Who can we contact if we have questions or concerns about the Program?

To find out more, please keep an eye on Critical Infrastructure Program | Lord Howe Island Board (nsw.gov.au) or contact [email protected].

13. When is the community engagement period? How will the community and other stakeholders be involved? 

The community engagement process commenced in May 2024 and will continue throughout planning and delivery of the Critical Infrastructure Program. There will be a number of opportunities for members of the community and other stakeholders to share their ideas and feedback. 

Please keep an eye on the Lord Howe Island webpage and communications to find out more and have your say, or contact [email protected].


Community updates