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Pre-Application Meetings FAQs

The pre-lodgement stage is the front-end of the development assessment process. If you get the front-end right you are more likely to have a simpler development application (DA) process. Giving the Board an assessment-ready application, with all required information will not ‘guarantee’ approval – however, it will promote an efficient process, saving time and money.

Early discussions between applicants and our officers reduce the potential for development projects to be delayed or lodged incomplete. Experience shows that delays in the processing of development applications often occur as a result of inadequate information being submitted, or a lack of understanding about the relevant local development controls.

It is recommended that a Pre-Application Meeting (PAM) is scheduled for the following applications

  • all new dwellings, 
  • new structures, 
  • Significant alterations and additions to dwellings of structures
  • commercial uses (new or intensification of use) 

You should contact the LHIB to find out if your proposal would benefit from a PAM.

Applicants are encouraged to engage an appropriately qualified and experienced planning advisor and other services to assist with preparing their development application.


  • Each meeting will only deal with the proposed development of one site.
  • Meetings will be arranged once we receive an email from the proponent with the completed PAM form and proposed plans.
  • The site must be precisely identified (including the legal description – Lot and DP/SP)
  • Additional information is to be submitted a minimum of 7 days prior to the meeting to allow our officers adequate time to thoroughly check the proposal to identify any issues or considerations prior to providing any advice.
  • The meetings are normally scheduled for an hour. If your proposal is complex and requires additional time, you can book two consecutive time slots (2 x 1-hour PAMs).  LHIB officers may also recommend a later second PAM to go through issues raised in the first PAM meeting.
  • Formal written preliminary advice is then provided, outlining key issues that will need to be addressed in any application pursued on the site.


How much does a (PAM) COST?

Lord Howe Island Board does not charge for a PAM. 

How do I book a PAM?
  1. Email this through to [email protected] with a set of the required plans.
  2. Our officers will be in contact with you as soon as possible to book this virtual meeting using Microsoft Teams or in person subject to locational constraints by applicants and their advisers. 
Will council support any variations to the planning controls?

Variations to both the LEP and DCP provisions are seldom supported. In very limited circumstances variations may be considered however early engagement with the LHIB is required to review all available options to avoid the requirements for a variation. LHIB officers will not commit to or guarantee any proposed variations to policy, controls or guidelines in a PAM. Any variations will be subject to a detailed planning assessment when the development application is lodged. 

What information do I need to provide when booking a PAM?
  1. Statement - Describe all aspects of the proposed development, and the proposed use of the development. Please provide a comparison of the proposal to the applicable planning controls.  It is recommended that the comparison is presented in a table format comparing the proposal to Council’s relevant DCP and LEP. Refer to any site constraints or non-compliances you have identified.


  2. Site Plan (minimum 1:500) - Showing: 
  • North arrow
  • site boundary. 
  • vehicular ingress/egress. 
  • building footprint and entry points. 
  • Vegetation (both boundary of existing vegetation as well as mapped Significant Native Vegetation)
  • Drainage lines and riparian zones
  • Flood affected areas
  • Existing wells
  • landscaped area. 
  • property setbacks. 
  • waste storage areas. 
  • waste collections points. 
  • Effluent management systems including irrigation areas.
  • retaining wall details (relative to existing levels and boundaries).


   3. Conceptual Floor Plan - Showing: 

  • layout of proposed development on all floors. 
  • internal walls, accesses and windows per room. 
  • Labelled rooms and uses. 
  • dimensions of existing and proposed works.


  4. Elevations and sections - Showing: 

  1. natural ground level and any proposed changes to ground level. 
  2. height of proposed development from natural ground level to finished floor levels. 
  3. ceiling and roof ridge levels. 
  4. details of proposed external colours, materials and finishes. 


  5. A written description of any specific issues you would like discussed or clarified at the meeting.

Can I talk to a planner before booking a PAM?

You can briefly discuss the key requirements with the LHIB Planners prior to lodging your request for a PAM. A preliminary phone conversation can be requested without Planners by contacting the LHIB on (02) 6563 2066.

Will I receive a PAM report?

An officer is present at the meeting to take notes. You will be provided with an emailed report after your meeting to confirm matters discussed in the meeting.  We will endeavour to provide your PAM report within 20 business days.  

What will my PAM report include?

The report will include a summary of the matters discussed in the meeting, and other useful information to assist you to prepare the documents for your development application.