DA2020.12 - L & E Wilson - Determined
DA Number: DA2020.12
Applicant: Larry and Elizabeth Wilson
Description: Subdivision of Lot 285 to create two new Perpetual Leases in Stages 1 and 2. Stage 1 subdivision - creating a new Perpetual Lease around Margaret and Grant Devine's house – 3001 m2. Stage 2 subdivision - creating a new Perpetual Lease around Scott Wilson's residence – 3001 m2.
Development Location: Lot: 285 DP: 48687
Exhibition Period: 21 August to 4 September 2020
Status: Approved 8/12/2020 subject to 3 conditions
Please see below plans of the proposed development. The full application can be viewed at the Board's administration office throughout the exhibition period.
Plans (PDF)(1.24 MB)