A NSW Government website

Expired Business, Public Accommodation, and Liquor Licences – Outstanding details required

Business Licences, Public Accommodation Licences and Liquor Licences expired on Sunday 30 June 2024.
If you have been contacted requesting additional details to support your application, please supply the outstanding information within 7 days.
If you do not submit a renewal application within 7 days, your licence be cancelled and a notice confirming the cancellation will be issued.
If you have submitted your renewal application, please disregard this notice. Your new licence will be issued shortly. Thank you to those who have submitted their paperwork.
A reminder that the issue of renewals of Liquor and Public Accommodation Licences is contingent on LHIB’s approval of a Business Licence first.
If you have questions in relation to the renewal of your licences, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].