Helicopter Lance Spot Spray Program to commence in July
A helicopter lance spot spray program will be undertaken this winter as part of the LHIB Weed Eradication Program.
A helicopter is anticipated to arrive on the Island in July, pending suitable weather, and depart by the first weekend of August.
Pending weather and seabird activity, the operational time frame is between 6:30am - 5:00pm for an estimated period of 7-10 days.
Track closures will be required during the operation. Operational dates and impacts to walking tracks will be advised in a householder once a suitable weather window is confirmed.
The helicopter will target priority weed species on hard to access cliff lines, such as residual infestations of Ground Asparagus and Bitou Bush.
The last helicopter lance operation took place in August 2022, which provided a critical opportunity to significantly deplete infestations of outlier weeds across difficult to access terrain.
This project is funded by the NSW Government Saving our Species conservation program.
Pesticide use notification
Spot spraying will be undertaken using a forward mounted lance spray apparatus on a helicopter. This operation will involve the use of the following pesticides:
- Metmac 600: active constituent: Metsulfuron Methyl 600g/kg
- Clear Up Bio: active constituent: Glyphosate 360g/L
Signage will be placed in affected areas during the operational period. Further information can be found in the LHIB Pesticide Use Notification Plan.
For any enquiries, please contact Team Leader – Flora and Weeds, Nicola Fuller on 02 6563 2066 or [email protected].
Photo: Justin Gilligan. LHIB will treat known infestations in the lance operations and survey for incursions of weeds in new locations.