Helicopter winch operations to take place this summer
Planning is underway for helicopter winch operations to undertake priority Weed Eradication Program work.
Two ‘catch-up’ operations will take place over summer, scheduled for November 2023 and February 2024. A winch operation was previously scheduled for February 2023, but did not go ahead due to the myrtle rust incursion.
Weeding in the remote areas of the southern mountains is now overdue, with the last completed helicopter winch program occurring in 2020. Regular monitoring of these sites is critical to protect the Island’s unique biodiversity.
Set dates for the operations will be confirmed closer to November and February, as the transit of a helicopter to LHI is dependent on suitable weather windows.
The helicopter will also be utilised to deposit and retrieve gear for priority track maintenance works, including removing the remaining gear from the Goat House track rebuild.
Helicopter winch operations in the southern mountains are restricted to the summer months outside of the Providence Petrel breeding season – chicks should fledge in October, with breeding adults returning to LHI in early March.
This important conservation work is funded by the NSW Government’s Save our Species program and North Coast Local Land Services.