LHIB Stakeholder Engagement Strategy – Have Your Say
You are invited to provide feedback on the draft LHIB Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, now open for public exhibition until Wednesday, 18 October 2023.
What is the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy?
A Stakeholder Engagement Strategy fosters transparent community communication, planning, and decision-making.
We know that the residents of Lord Howe Island are passionate about improving the Island and want to be more involved in shaping decisions. Community engagement is the process by which you can influence LHIB’s decision-making.
How was it created?
The strategy is written in line with the principles of the International Association for Public Participation and reflects the LHIB charter’s foundational pillars: keeping the community informed and involving them in decisions that shape the Island.
It responds to themes raised in past community engagement from 2003-2023.
The strategy is designed to:
- Guide engagement with the stakeholders of the LHIB;
- Identify key implementation activities; and
- Outline a monitoring and evaluation plan to ensure continual improvement as implementation progresses.
How to have your say
The draft LHIB Stakeholder Engagement Strategy is on our website now.
A short, simple survey will be circulated soon for you to provide feedback.
You may also choose to send your feedback directly to [email protected]
When the exhibition period closes, your feedback will be reflected in the finalised strategy which will be presented to the Board for adoption across LHIB’s departments.