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Improving the communications network on LHI - Public exhibition opens for Communications Network Options Paper

To address our current and future connectivity needs, LHIB have investigated potential options to improve LHI’s communications network. LHIB are inviting community feedback on the short-term communication options.

The short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (2-5 years) options are outlined in a report by network specialists Respiro. 

The Communications Network Options Paper is on our website now and open for public exhibition until Tuesday, 17 October 2023. 

A community survey will be shared soon so you can have your say on this important decision.

When the exhibition period closes, LHIB will use your feedback to decide on next steps and communicate the outcome. Ongoing maintenance and operating costs will be considered, as well as interest from commercial providers.

Further investigation is taking place into the long-term options to achieve greater Island connectivity. Community feedback will be sought in the future.

What are the short-term network solutions?

A factsheet has been prepared to summarise the Options Paper:

The solutions which can be planned and installed within 12-24 months are:

  1. Installing 3 microcells at strategic locations around the Island.
  2. Installing 2 microcells and strategically placed public Wi-Fi points across the Island.
  3. Installing strategically placed public Wi-Fi points only (up to 4 locations).
  4. Installing strategically placed public Wi-Fi points only (up to 12 locations).
  5. Wait for developing technologies and future national infrastructure like 5G Advanced/ 6G (long-term solution, likely available from mid-late 2025).

Pros and cons are summarised here:

Table of pros and cons for LHI connectivity solutions

Why are changes to our coverage network being proposed now?

Telstra is seeking consent to build a microcell on LHI as part of the Mobile Black Spot Program, an initiative with the Federal Government to provide coverage to all of regional Australia. 

This has prompted further investigation by LHIB into the full range of effective communication options and community preferences, to allow us to make an informed choice about how to enhance Island connectivity.


Please direct any questions to LHIB Project Officer, Luke Phillips-Page: [email protected].