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Reminder of helicopter winch operations

The first of two helicopter winch operations for this summer will run for a 7–14-day period between the 27th October and 17th November 2024 to undertake priority Weed Eradication Program work.

During this time, members of the LHIB Environment Unit and external contractors will be winched into remote areas in the southern mountains for weed control activities.

A successful operation ran in November 2023, which resulted in a total of 2261 individual weeds removed, 39 hectares of remote terrain searched across 10 management blocks. The operation targeted known infestations of Cherry Guava and Ochna. Helicopter access to these areas is highly valuable as considerable time and effort is needed to reach them on foot. 

This work is supported by Commonwealth funding from North Coast Local Land Services and Saving Native Species, and state funding from NSW DPE’s Biodiversity and Conservation Division via the Saving our Species program. 

Field teams awaiting a pickup during helicopter winch operations in November 2023.

Field teams awaiting a pickup during helicopter winch operations in November 2023.

An additional operation was planned for February 2024 but had to be cancelled due to resourcing issues. Funds from this missed operation will be used across November 2024 and February 2025.

Set dates cannot be confirmed as helicopter work is dependent on suitable weather. The LHIB will provide updates once the transit of the helicopter is scheduled and operations are due to commence.

No drone zones

As a safety measure, a ‘no drone zone’ will come into effect once helicopter operations commence. Please refer to the attached map for drone exclusion zones, and await additional communications for confirmation of the operational window during which exclusions will apply. 

Map of lord howe island with drone no fly zones

Sling Loading

The helicopter will also be utilised to deposit and retrieve gear for priority track maintenance works as required. Specific details, including timings and any planned track closures, will be confirmed closer to the date.