Updated vessel storage forms & boat maintenance and repair guidelines
With boats out of the water for winter services, a reminder to all residents that approval is required to store your vessel in the designated short or long-term areas.
Updated application forms can be obtained from the LHIB Administration Office (02 6563 2066 or [email protected]), and must be submitted before taking your vessel out of the water.
Boat maintenance and repair is a permitted activity within designated areas in the foreshore without development consent by approval of the LHIB CEO on the prescribed form. Maintenance work must be undertaken in line with the Environmental Guidelines for Boat Repair and Maintenance, which is available on our website here.
As a consideration to all residents, please ensure that power tools are not used before 7am from Monday – Saturday, and before 8am on Sundays and public holidays in line with the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017.
Thank you for your cooperation.