Environment levy
All visitors to the Island are required to pay an Environment levy to the Board. Refer to the Fees and charges page of this website for the current costs associated with visiting the Island.
- For those arriving by air with Qantaslink or Eastern Air Services this levy is included in your ticket price.
- For those arriving by private aircraft or charter the levy will be collected when paying the landing fees.
- For those arriving by water the levy will be collected when paying your mooring fees.
How the Environment levy is used
The Board uses funds from the Environment Levy to provide a range of services to improve your visitor experience while on the Island and to protect the natural environment.
Environmental programs
The Environment Levy supports ongoing environmental programs on the Island, including weed control, protection of endemic threatened species and rehabilitation of habitat.
Waste recycling and processing
The Board also uses funds from this levy for recycling and processing of waste on the Island. The Waste Management Facility (WMF) uses a vertical composting unit to process putrescibles, green and paper waste into compost used in revegetation and rehabilitation projects on the Island.
Crushed glass, scrap metals, and plastics are recycled and packaged for transfer to the mainland by the MV Island Trader. Non-recyclable waste is also transferred to the mainland to landfill at Port Macquarie.